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Are they TWINS


DO you think this china boy looks like Shin Chan?Yes,91.1%
match!This interesting picture comes from twinsornot.In this area,you can add yours' or your friends' photos and then vote to another.

TwinsOrNot was built so anybody can make humorous observations regarding the physical likeness between themselves, their friends, famous people, cartoon characters, politicians and even objects. Simply upload your two separate images to TwinsOrNot.com and let the community decide! Discuss who looks like and who doesn't using our comments page.

Are they Twins?
Users are welcomed to vote on other people's uploaded images. Votes will be counted and a match percentage will indicate how many people agree with your observation.

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Add Your Delicious Links to Tiwtter


If you use Twitter, you must know how valuable sometimes the links we're sharing, and how hard it is to find them later on (especially because of Twitter search limitations). With Tweecious this scenario is bygone! Tweecious is a Firefox addon that scans your tweets and automatically saves them into your Delicious account. The best part, you don't have to do nothing. Just download the plugin, and make sure you logged into both Twitter & Delicious. After the download, go to this page and click enabled. Tweecious can also retroactively scan 100 of your latest tweets, and save the links you've submitted in them (you can choose to save the links in public or private mode).

In addition, you'll be able to see the related tweets in the description of the URLs, in your delicious:
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Tweet This Text


TweetThisText is brought to you by the crew at Happy Stapler. We like to find opportunities and build solutions. TweetThisText is another of those solutions.
We're on twitter most of the time. We noticed that we'd really like to be able to quote text from webpages without having to shorten a link and say something like "It's in the second para fr the bottom third sentence in."

We code and we design. We saw all the pieces and decided to bring them all together, staple them if you will, and make a new thing from the parts. It makes us happy to do this stuff.
If you already made your bookmarklet, highlight the text below and click your new bookmark to give it a test run.

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