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Twitter Confirms Paid Pro Accounts


More revenue for Twitter on the way: The company confirms -- for the first time we've seen, at least -- age-old theories that they'll sell commercial accounts to power users or companies using Twitter.

In exchange for a fee, companies could get "more features" on Twitter, the WSJ reports. Twitter cofounder Biz Stone tells the WSJ that the company recently hired a product manager to help develop those accounts, but doesn't specify what the extra features will be or when the accounts will launch.

This makes perfect sense. There's a lot of stuff companies would pay Twitter for, such as a way to verify the company rep's legitimacy; to more analytics and information about who is reading their Twitter page; to better tracking features to see what people are saying about their company.

What would you pay for an account like this? We could see a lot of companies paying $10 or $20 a month for the service, even for simple tools. But we could also see many companies -- Comcast, JetBlue, Starbucks, etc. -- paying more than one hundred dollars per month for really good, insightful tools.


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